It's going to be Game Time soon and you're going to need a Recipe.
Here it is!
Pepperoni Pizza Pasta Casserole
Couldn't be easier or more delicious.
You're Welcome!
I first saw this recipe on Pinterest.
Don't you just love Pinterest????
(If you don't know what Pinterest is yet,
you need to find out!)
I want to thank Lillian at My Recipe Journey for sharing her recipe on Facebook
where it was then pinned onto Pinterest
and shared with he entire world.
Amazing how that works.
Here's Lillian's version:
This is a super easy, super quick, one dish casserole
that tastes like pepperoni/pizza/pasta
and cuts like lasagna.
It's so easy, my son can make it!
Yup, he actually went out and bought himself a 9 x 13 pan
and all the ingredients so he could make it, too.
It's that good.
He sent me a text picture of it. I think we're bonding....
Here's his version:
I followed Lillians recipe pretty closely
but I used Arrabiata Sauce instead of pizza sauce.
And I added the Parmesan Cheese after I mixed the pasta into the sauce and the water.
I didn't add any salt, and I didn't chop up the pepperoni.
I may have used a bit more than 1/2 cup of Parmesan cheese, too.
I love the Traders Joe's shredded Parmesan in the bag.
Very tasty and reasonably priced.
When my son made it, he commented that the top layer of pasta
seemed a bit dryer than the rest
and I thought it might have needed the extra cheese to weigh it down.
I know extra cheese works that way on me... :*)
At any rate, be sure to let it stand for the full 15 minutes after you take it out of the oven.
It looks pretty soupy at first, but then it firms up and cuts very nicely.
Add a salad and dinner's ready.