It's my friend Alice's birthday today and I wanted to do something special for her.
She has one of those holiday birthdays that kind of get lost in the shuffle
and it is not always celebrated properly.
Sometimes her birthday is on Thanksgiving,
sometimes it's before Thanksgiving and sometimes it's after.
Shes a very good sport about when it gets celebrated,
this year, I'm ready!
Alice loves birds.
I printed this lovely birds nest off of the Graphics Fairy website:
Then I used my super-sharp little scissors to cut it out,
leaving a tiny white edge around the whole nest.
I used a small strip of double stick foam tape to adhere the nest to the notecard.
I like the foam tape because it gives the cutout some dimension.
Here it is-
Ready to go.
I paired the card with a gift and this gorgeous bird tag
from Jennifer Rizzo and Room 363 in Naperville, Illinois.
I think Alice will like this...
Linking to
Brag Monday at Graphics Fairy
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Linking to
Brag Monday at Graphics Fairy
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style