Cabin fever has set in
and so I needed to do a project today.
I seem to have a thing for stars.
Do you remember my new star lamps?
I seem to have a thing for stars.
Do you remember my new star lamps?
I saw this idea in a magazine and loved it-
Shiny, shimmering stars on the ceiling.
I'm sorry, I tore the picture out but I can't tell you from which magazine...
I also found this photo online
when I searched for "star wallpaper on the ceiling"
and this one.
Gorgeous colors!
So enchanting...
Anyway, I love the idea of star wallpaper on the ceiling
but when I checked into it, it was only sold "to the trade"
or it was so expensive, it didn't seem worth it.
Then I thought, what about decals?
I knew you could buy just about any decals you can think of these days.
I found these on and I ordered one package.
It contained 36 gold stars like this one.
They arrived last week and I knew just where to put them.
The front hallway ceiling needed them.
You can see that here.
Just a Plain Jane ceiling.
Just begging for some Romance.
Burly was there to help me every step of the way.
I got out the ladder and a yardstick and started applying the decals.
Here are the first ones up. I liked it enough to continue.
Many stars up here.
Don't they look nice with this vintage chandelier?
Who doesn't love a little drama...
I have a few other vintage chandeliers in our house,
all found at the Kane County Flea Market over the years
and all rewired, because as my friend Kim from County Line Road says,
I don't want to burn the house down
just because I got a bargain at the flea market!.
This one is in my new kitchen.
You can read more about it in this post.
Funny, this chandelier was in my old kitchen for 25 years
and no one ever noticed it.
Now it's the "star" of the show...
Well, that and the "Star Mullions" below!
I have this one in my dining room
and I alternated the patterns on the shades.
Just because.

It was a bit of a challenge getting them spaced out nicely,
but once I got going, it got easier.
So pretty up close.
And with the lights on...
Here's another view.
I love how they turned out!
Here's the before again-
And after.
Before -
And After.
Can't wait for visitors!
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